I was recently on Radio Scotland where I was arguing the case that we probably do need to take some vitamins and minerals in order to receive all our nutritional needs. If you are like me then I buy my food from a supermarket. If it is imported and particularly if it is out of season then, with the time lag it will have lost some of it's nutritional value. Vitamin C for example degrades in transit and then, when the fruit or vegetable is cooked, we actually destroy the remaing vitamin. Similarly with enzymes.
Minerals such as selenium are sadly lacking in modern soils so supplementing with trace minerals may have to be an option. But vitamin D is probably the one vitamin we must take in Scotland certainly. We get about 90% of our vitamin D by exposing our skin to the sun. Lena Zgaga and colleagues conducted a large trial in Edinburgh in 2011 and found over 80% of the Scottish people were vitamin D defficient. We can only make vitamin D from sun between April and October. during the winter months the sun is not high enough in the sky. If you add to that the number of rainy days it is obvious that wwe need to supplement. For different vitamin D supplements available see our websitewww.newlifehealthcare.co.uk